Last year was bad news all around for the virtual events industry. It sucked, plain and simple. It was so bad that experts in the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions industry had to meet up and discuss and advise on the necessary measures to keep the industry afloat.
And a year down the line, where are we? Well, the industry’s not necessarily sinking like the Titanic anymore, but it surely isn’t safely floating down the river.
In all seriousness now, the Covid crisis showed to many a thing that we, the guys and gals in the IT industry knew a long time ago. That the digital change is something that entrepreneurs, businessmen and CEO’s cannot ignore any longer. And yet some still do, even if it’s 2021.
Virtual above anything else
It revealed that now, more than ever, the digital presence of a brand matters the most out of everything else. Whether it is facilitating online events, summits, hybrid events, engaging more with the audience or updating your website, giving it a fresh look; everything along these lines became of utmost importance.
Cooperation between businesses
And this accent on virtual interactions only led businesses to depend more and more on their relationships in the industry. Because when the clients leave, you turn to others in the same situation, aka your buddies in the industry. I believe that the much needed collaboration that 2020 called for will continue long after the pandemic. Package deals, partnerships and a unified collective voice when it comes to organizing events is always appreciated by clients.
Venue Flexibility
The arrival of vaccines brought a glimmer of hope, leading to the reopening of venues. After such a challenging year, suppliers had to change their strategies. Many venues will now need to think about how they will accommodate in-person and hybrid events in the virtual events industry, with new restrictions, capacity limits, and social distancing measures in place.
So what are you waiting for? Are you ready for the digital change?