I think I do speak for everyone when I say that I am glad that 2020 finally came to an end. It was a year that was a lot to take in, so to speak, with all the *violent flailing around in the general direction of the whole world*.
Referring, of course, to the elephant in the room, Covid-19 forced us to take a new approach to everyday life. While taking safety precautions, we needed to create and adapt to the “new normal” (aka working from home and making everything finally fully digital). Not just us, here at EMOTIONstudios, but also our clients.
But all of us managed to push through. So we just went on and managed to have quite a productive and successful year. Let’s look back at what we managed to create , all of us, together.
The year started with a bang with the revamp of the Gaming Istanbul event website. The largest B2C and B2B gaming expo of Turkey now has a powerful multilingual website with advanced visuals, SEO ready. We even managed to live out VR dreams, right there, in person, visiting the expo ourselves. Don’t worry, this was before the pandemic even started, so we were safe.
Soon after getting back from the trip, we were quick on our toes to give BFA Global a website worthy of their mission : empowering people through technology. We created a powerful WordPress-based site that not only was able to support their extensive work, but one that spoke visually to the users. Designing beautiful websites for Dribble is one thing, adding real life content is another. Alongside Dami Famuyibo – we did both while having all the stakeholders on board.
Getting back on our expertise, the events industry, we helped another company further spread their message in this exact industry: Women in Exhibitions. The new website is more than just pretty, it is powerful, again using the WordPress engine. It creates a community regardless of country, having multiple international chapters. It educates with the help of the partnership of the Thinkshop Academy and with the help of the Events managing system we created for them.
Next, we helped another company deal with the intricate ways of online events. The Royal Aeronautical Society needed a portal for their multiple online events so we created one fit for royalty (see what we did there?). With our new media partnership with AMMP.MEDIA, the portal featured a custom ticketing system created by us, alongside a video streaming portal where members can join and talk. Even more, to enhance the possibility of interactions, we created a registrations and networking system, because it’s more fun to explore space with a buddy. All of this, still with the powerful engine of WordPress.
Back from space right back on earth, we kept it royal by preparing the WordPress website of The Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation, Africa’s biggest prize dedicated to engineering innovation, started by the Royal Academy of Engineering. Again delivered in a timely fashion in partnership with AMMP.MEDIA. Featuring an entrepreneur hub to promote and support ambitious AfWe created a custom live streaming platform in which the entrepreneurs can shine bright like a diamond.
Not long after, we initiated the work on a new website for the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Centre. Focusing on environmental protection in the Carribean, their mission of promoting energy technologies/solutions for a sustainable future is now supported by a stronger web presence: dynamic information, more accessible insights, intuitive classification of resources. The result was a broader audience that received helpful information on how to protect the environment.
But all of these were external projects. We decided to work on something that would be “our baby”. So we went ahead and created Lilifeed. Lilifeed is a product that creates a seamless immersive experience between your website and your LinkedIn feed. With everything custom, top to bottom the whole science behind it. IT’s built on Node.Js and a fancy API, with secure payments and multiple packages fit for different needs.
Going back to our specialty, events, we started working on the website for the International Workshop On HIV Pediatrics 2020. A conference by doctors, for doctors needs the best of the best, so we created a full event portal, with a custom agenda, registration, live portal and live chat, all under the powerful engine that is, surprise surprise, WordPress. We also made it possible to watch the videos after the livestream, so nobody would miss out on the information put out by the doctors.
Making Lilifeed made us realize how lovely it felt working for something personal, so we decided to go ahead and make events, our specialty, so much more personal. VEEP, the Virtual Events Enterprise Platform (see what we did there?) is a product that is the culmination of all our expertise over the years in the events industry, be they virtual, online or hybrid. All of the features, all of the possibilities. And it can still be customized further. What a marvel!
So here we are at the end of 2020, beginning of 2021, and looking back, I can say that I didn’t even realize that we managed to be so productive given the circumstances that the world is in. So I believe that we all should give ourselves more credit than we think we deserve.
We also want to thank you for reading this, and thank our clients for trusting us & working with us.
So here is to 2021, a better year, I hope, for everybody!