Funding your event website

April 17, 2019
Illustration of budget-friendly strategies for enhancing website features and quality for trade shows, including sponsorship and promotion packages

Features and quality vs. budgets! The eternal battle where usually budgets win. Website managers are constantly under pressure to deliver amazing websites yet keep the budget low, and amazing doesn’t just mean good looking. The website must attract more visitors, increase sales, and provide a wealth of information and functionalities.

Some companies offer solutions for this and make managers compromise both on features and quality. But what if you could apply budget-friendly website strategies that don’t force you to choose between quality and cost?


What if you create your own budget? What if you sell the features and make a profit rather than just paying for them? What if you improve your website year on year not only by not spending money but rather making profits? With the right budget-friendly website strategies, this is entirely possible.

Here are a few tips on how to do this:

First, you can get a website sponsor. You’re a trade show, after all, and probably monetize on sponsorship. Just think of a list of the more tech or social committed exhibitors in your portfolio, and one will likely be interested in being the “Tech sponsor,” “Web sponsor,” or “Tech partner.” This is a win-win situation because the sponsor gets very good visibility, they pay, and then they’re demanding on the quality of the website… which is your goal after all.

Second, you can create website promotion packages. Featured exhibitors, featured search results, sponsored sessions, enhanced profile exhibitor pages, special map placements, and so on. Link this to your newsletter and communication emails, and the packages should sell great.

Third, consider the fancy features some events provide for their attendees. Online attendee networking, event planning, digital badges, meetings calendars, and more. Adding these features to your website adds a cost, and many attendees might not use them. Still, some attendees, especially in B2B events, need these tools and are happy to pay for them. This can contribute to your web budget.

There are many more strategies to get a great website without paying the millions others do. Book a meeting with one of our experts so we can analyze your event and see what fits best for you.

Let’s talk!

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